Anthony Warnes

A young preacher is in need of several things. He is in need of training; a congregation who will be patient with him; and men to continue mentoring him throughout the years. I was blessed to go to a wonderful preaching school. I have been blessed with loving and patient congregations that have encouraged me (even through some rough sermons!). And I have been blessed with many wonderful mentors. As I look at who I am as a preacher, I attribute much to the Jenkins Institute. Their genuine desire for young preachers to succeed, coupled with their ability to mentor is impressive. I believe the first time I really found the Jenkins Institute (truthfully, they found me) was in 2012. They had a Webinar for “planning your sermons out for a year.” The excitement that I as a young preacher gained for my occupation from that one event helped my preaching tremendously. Through the years, there have been countless ways that they have encouraged and fed young preachers (sometimes daily!). From their Better Conferences where they teach and bring in other great preachers to give us continued training in the art of preaching and ministering; and Webinars covering everything from the preacher and technology to reminders on submitting to elders; to Videos and Articles of encouragement. All of these have left me with new clever ideas, and a renewed passion. Jeff and Dale strive to remind the young preacher to serve the brethren, proclaim to the lost, and ultimately please the Lord. Beyond the “nuts and bolts” help that they provide, the individual encouragement and friendship that they give through text messages, emails, and face-to-face conversations will forever be cherished. Every young preacher needs a Jeff and Dale in their corner, and with the Jenkins Institute, they can!
