A prayer to protect...
Father, this day we want to ask Your richest blessings and protection for these men who will stand tomorrow and speak Your truths into the lives of others. Father, thank You for their precious hearts and for their desire to do Your Work and to please You. Thank You for their selflessness and humility. Thank You for the time they have given in preparing and the desire they now feel that there was more, for their desire to be the best they can be for You. Thank You for the humility that so many of these brothers have. They have learned these traits from You and in nurturing them they are becoming more and more like You. We ask that You bless their lives. We are thankful for them and we know You are too. Thank You for using these men in the lives of Your People. Help them this day to see some of the effect for good of their work. We ask that you protect these Your men.
In Jesus Name,