We know

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Mighty God,

We do not know Father how to navigate these days, but we do know You have already navigated them. We do not know when a vaccine will be found to cure and contain this virus, but we do know that Your Son provided the cure for our sin. We do not know if masks ultimately really protect us, but we do know that Your Word will ultimately protect us from sin if we hide it in our hearts. We do not know if the pattern of flattening the curve or mass herd mentality is best, but we do know the pattern of life provided by Your Son is the best for us to Live. We do not know how we should come back together, but we do know we need to be with Your Family. We do not know who is going to be the next US president, but we do know You are the real Ruler. We do not know what the economy is going to do, but we do know that the cattle on a thousand hills are Yours. We do not know so many “whys” that haunt and hurt us, but we do trust You. Bless those who teach Your Word as we strive to worry less about those things beyond our ability to know and to trust more in those things we believe to be true. And, thank You for them.

In Jesus Name,

