Help us to remember that Sunday we will have people in our audience who will be present only because it is Easter. Please help us not to berate them, but to remind them of all that Jesus has done for us all, how much You love all of us, and how much you want us to live our lives for You. May all of us who preach do our best to lift up Christ before everyone who joins us.
Father may those who hear Your men preach know that these men are committed to You, Your Kingdom, and Your Word. We pray that everyone who hears will have an open heart and an open Bible. We pray that Your Word will powerfully invade their hearts and minds. We pray that as a result of Your Word begin preached that souls will be turned to You. We thank you for these men and for the open doors placed before us this weekend. We pray that You will be glorified in all that we do. In the Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.