Around the world on Sunday, men will stand before Your people to preach. Our prayer for these men of Yours is that they will never forget. May we never forget that our mission is to proclaim the truth in love and that You will provide the increase. May we never forget that we are earthen vessels who carry Your Word to people who are in desperate need of it. Help us to never forget that we are to be sowers of the seed, but You are the Lord of the harvest. May we never forget that we are not alone in this great work. Help us to remember that You will never leave or forsake us. May we never forget Your promise that Your Word will accomplish exactly what is needed. Please, Dear God, help us to remember that this is Your Word, not ours. May every one of these men who belong to You rest with the knowledge that they are doing Your will. Thank You for allowing us to be involved in the most significant work in the world. In the Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.