Thank You, Father

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for loving us in spite of who we are and for being so good to us even when we don’t deserve Your Goodness. We pray for every man who will preach Your Word on Sunday that all of us will look past ourselves to others. We pray that we will extend the same grace to those who hear us that You extend to us. 

We ask You, Dear God, to forgive us for our weaknesses and the times our hearts are filled with pride. Help us, Father, to glorify You with all that we are, all that we have, all that we do, and all that we say. May we, along with our brother Paul, glory only in the cross of our Lord. May we lift Him high to those around us. Help us not to make ourselves known but to seek to make Your Name known everywhere we go. In the Name of our Savior and our King, we pray, Amen.
