Suddenly Wintertime Scoops


We try to get it right, but if you see a mistake please let us know and we’ll check it out! Send any updates or additions to us at

AL: The Moulton church is looking for a preacher. You can find contact info on their website:

MS/MI: The West Main church in Tupelo has hired Kerry Williams to be their new preacher. Kerry also serves as Dean of Graduate Studies at Sunset International Bible Institute. He is moving to Tupelo from Waterford, Michigan.

AL: North Alabama Christian Children's Home is looking for Christian houseparents for one of the homes on campus. They hire the mom and allow the husband to work off campus if he so desires. This work comes with many benefits, including sick days and vacation time, and health coverage is offered if so desired. One can to go to our website for further information. For more information about this work, email Don Williams

TN: The Crosswinds congregation near Humbolt is looking for a preacher. They run 200-250.  They are in an area between two counties with four to five cities to serve. The church has a full time youth minister, with five elders and nine deacons. Candidates should send their resume, cover letter and any other pertinent information to David Alred is heading the search committee. 737 414-3292.

MN: The Owatonna Church of Christ is looking to hire an “enthusiastic, spiritually minded man” to work with them in spreading God’s truth in the community. Desired Skills: The ability to preach practical lessons so the church grows in maturity. Conduct Bible studies for outreach in the community and with members. Good interpersonal skills. They have about 35-40 attending. Contact: Jim Cox 507 676-2972, Or Owatonna church of Christ P.O. Box 474 Owatonna MN 55060-0474.

TN/CO: Cory Waddle has accepted the pulpit work with the Bear Valley church in Denver. They will begin the work there in December. Of course he is leaving the Highland Heights church in Lebanon

OK: Southeastern Children's Home is looking for houseparents. To learn more click HERE.

SC: The North Charleston church has hired Chance Hicks to be their new preacher. He has been working with the Jacksonville church in Alabama.

OK: Troy Rogers has accepted the pulpit work at North West in Lawton. He has been in another role in the church there. 

IN: Stephen Rogers announced that he is resigning as preacher and elder at the Washington Avenue church where he has preached for over 30 years.

IL: The church in Collinsville is seeking a full time minister. They are a congregation with 150+ members located at exit 17 on Interstate 55/70 17 miles from St. Louis, Mo.  They have four elders and have plans to evangelize the local area. The successful candidate will provide a balance of scriptural lessons that will edify old and young alike, be capable of managing office duties, providing spiritual guidance, and doing personal work as necessary. Contact Terry L. Mabery Collinsville church of Christ 1400 Troy Road Collinsville, IL 62234 618 667-6708.

AL/MS: Russ vickers gets the self-scoop this time. He has taken the work at the Talladega Church of Christ. This means the Hillcrest church in Baldwyn is now open to receive applications and resumes. Hillcrest runs 95 for a Sunday morning average and has four elders. They are located 12 miles north of Tupelo. Their contact is on the webpage:

TN : The Maury City church is looking for a preacher who would be interested in either a full time or part time position. The current minister, Dean Miller, is transitioning into full time Widowhood Workshop ministry. Maury City is a town with a population of 650 between Memphis and Jackson TN. It is about 45 miles northwest of Freed Hardeman University in Henderson. They are a congregation of 65-75. If interested please submit a resume and 3 letters of recommendation. If available, please send links to audio or videos versions of your sermon(s) to Applications accepted through December 15, 2019.

NC: The Cary Church of Christ is looking for a Minister Intern for the summer of 2020. This internship is for a Bible, ministry, or counseling major who desires to be a minister upon graduating from college. The congregation 

in Cary began meeting in 1970 with just 10 families and has since grown to an average attendance of 400. “Responsibilities: The minister intern will work under the eldership and minister. Interns will be considered full, participating members of the church staff and will be assigned specific areas of responsibility. The intern is responsible for teaching a weekly Bible class as well as preaching twice a month (one Sunday morning and one Sunday night). The intern will also attend weekly elder’s meetings to gain experience as well as elders, deacons, and preachers meetings. The minister internship is for 8 weeks during the months of June and July. He will begin Sunday, May 31, 2020 and work till Sunday, July 26, 2020. Daily schedule is subject to change depending on need (i.e. hospital visits, counseling, emergency’s etc.).


- The Intern will receive a salary of $435 a week, with no provisions for paid time off or vacations other than recognized holidays. 

- All Ministry related expenses will be paid. 

- Housing will be provided. 

Desirable Skills and Qualities: 

- Willingness to seek God’s direction in ministry 

- A love for God and a desire to be used by Him 

- Willingness to think creatively 

- Ability to communicate effectively 

- Ability to work well with people of all ages 

- Ability to take direction and listen 

- Openness to work as a part of a team 

- An understanding of computers and Microsoft Word and PowerPoint 

Applicants: The ministry intern position is viewed as a pre-professional opportunity for college students. This internship is for a male college student majoring in Bible, ministry, or counseling who will begin their junior or senior year and who desires to be a full-time, located minister once they graduate from college. The applicant must submit a resume and please include a recent photo of yourself and two letters of recommendation. Please also include a recent sermon either in DVD format, digital or web link. The applicant will also complete a doctrinal questionnaire with 

Applicants will be contacted for a phone/web interview. All applicants will be reviewed by the elders and minister. Phone/web interview, resume, letters of recommendation, and doctrinal questionnaire will all play a part in the final decision. Final selection will be made by the elders. To expedite the process, email your resume, essay, letters of recommendation, recent sermon, 

and doctrinal questionnaire to  include Summer Internship in the subject line. You may also mail them to Cary Church of Christ Summer Internship, 6640 Tryon  Road, Cary, NC 27518. The deadline is February 28, 2019. 
