23 posts from 12 states. Thanks always for your help makinig Scoops useful. Let us know what we missed.

Special announcement THURSDAY INGHT:

Jeff and Dale will be honored to offer two of these classes (to see the complete schedule click on the Facebook page linked above).

Our classes will be back-to-back on Thursday nights. I'm pretty excited that we get this opportunity. Jeff's class on Preaching and Church Growth will begin at 6 and I'll begin my class on Ministry Tech for Users at 7:40.

Thanks to the generosity of the elders at Crieve Hall Church of Christ, these college classes are free of charge. You can take it for Credit, or you can Audit it. There are no registration fees or prerequisites. Just fill out the online form below that comes to Jeff and me.

There are three ways to be a part of the class:

1. Live and in person

2. Online via Zoom

3. You can enroll, and the materials will be sent to you each week

This is an exciting moment. We hope you'll join us.

Register for Jeff's class at: https://forms.gle/MvhmCZBj7No13oGb8 or text Jeff at 972-861-2434

Register for Dale's class at: https://forms.gle/xbWN5Snuzo6z33uU7 or text Dale at 615-294-1453
