West Side Church of Christ - Preaching Minister

Church: West Side Church of Christ

City/State: Salem, Virginia

Position: Preaching Minister

Sunday morning attendance: 110

Elders: 4

Church Website: http://westsidechurchsalemva.com

Contact: Search Jeff Durham

Church email: jdurham2@gmail.com

Phone: 540-353-7541

To Apply: Submit inquiries of interest with your resume and a digital sermon (a link or a file) to: Jeff Durham jdurham2@gmail.com by March 31, 2025.

About: The West Side church of Christ in Salem, VA (westsidechurchsalemva.com) has been serving the community since 1967. They average weekly attendance of 110 on Sundays, with an active Youth Group and members of all ages. Their preference would be a married man with a family, but that’s not required. A graduate of a brotherhood preaching school or college/university, he will be balanced in approach (2 Tim. 4:2,5), desiring a long-term relationship with the congregation, and will have 5+ years of experience.

Primary Responsibilities: Below are the expectations the West Side congregation has for the man who will be our full-time minister: • Work under the oversight of four Elders, while working closely with our Associate and Family/Youth ministers • Preach each service, apart from one Sunday evening a month and special services such as Gospel Meetings. - Coordinate with our Associate and Family/Youth ministers on a rotating basis to assign them presenting a lesson for one Sunday evening each month (2 Timothy 2:2). • Consult with the elders to develop an overall theme for the year as well as topical lessons that should be delivered each year. • Teach at least one Bible class, either Sunday morning or Wednesday evening each quarter. Teens and/or adults. Coordinate with the Deacon/Leader of the Adult & Secondary Education programs. • One original bulletin article per week. Review bulletin for accuracy/content. • Coordinate with our Media Administrator for the Lightpost app material, and maintain social media presence, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and whatever else the youth group kids say we need. 😊 • Evangelize the community, with the assistance of the congregation, utilizing our Congregational Evangelism model. • The work is not finished when a lost soul is baptized. Teaching must continue, both privately and in public settings (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 20:20). • Attend 2 lectureship-type programs (Ex. F-HU Lectureship, Polishing the Pulpit, etc.) West Side will pay for your lodging, travel, and participation fees (if applicable). • Communicate and work with our Deacons/Leaders in their assigned areas of responsibilities.

Date Posted: 3/1/25