About: Pine Valley Church of Christ is a growing, dynamic congregation of multi-cultural members who are actively engaged in the service of one another and their community in the name of Jesus Christ. They will accomplish this vision by fixing their eyes on Jesus and living as he did. Pine Valley is located in Wilmington, NC, one of the fastest growing cities in NC.
Read MoreUpdate: Paul Kirkpatrick as the new pulpit minister
Read MoreAbout: Alan Smith is retiring after 9 years of ministry with Cruciform. They are looking for a minister interested in preaching a Christ-centered message of the gospel as he works together to share the love of God with a lost community around them. They are a diverse church located next the largest Army base in the U.S., Fort Liberty.
Read MoreUpdate: The congregation has secured the services of William Myers as our full-time pulpit minister.
Read MoreDescription: Northview is a 52 year old congregation in Statesville, North Carolina. Situated between the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Carolina beaches, and great cities (Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Asheville, and Raleigh are all nearby), Statesville is a great place to live. They aim to be a grace-oriented congregation focused on expanding the Kingdom of God “without getting bogged down in traditionalism, while still seeking to be faithful to the guiding principles of our heritage.” They have a thriving Children's Ministry and are seeking a Youth Minister who can build a comprehensive Youth Ministry to aid families in the ongoing spiritual development of their children. Reach out with any questions!
Read MoreAbout: The Pike Road church is in need of a preacher. The young man they had is moving back home to his family. Pike Road is a congregation of about 80 people with 2 elders and 7 deacons. They provide a house (3 bedrooms and 2 baths). Salary of $45000 to $50000 (neg. based on experience) one half of SS, 2 weeks vacations, Insurance for the preacher.
Read MoreDescription: The Cross Creek church is looking for men who will teach and/or preach for them via Zoom. There is a small compensation involved.
Read MoreDescription: Woodland has filled the pulpit. Brandon Johnson will begin working with us in August, 2024
Read MoreDescription: A growing and loving congregation in a beautiful community. A good core of bible class teachers and song leaders.
Read MoreDescription: The Kinston Church of Christ is seeking a full-time evangelist. The current preacher retired April 28th after 12 years with the congregation. The church is about 35 in number and is self-supporting. The church doesn't currently have elders.
Read MoreDescription: The city of Asheboro is growing rapidly due to nearby manufacturing plants opening up. The church here has been training in World Bible School's and House to House Heart to Heart School of Evangelism's evangelism models. The church is ready to evangelize! The current preacher is expected to leave to move closer to family.
Read MoreChurch: Broad Street
Position: Preaching Minister
State/City: NC/Statesville
Update: The Broad Steet Church has hired Josh Alley a graduate from Tri-City School of Preaching and Christian Development to be their new preacher
Read MoreGreenville is prayerfully seeking a full-time, God-centered minister to serve with them, Spirit led, and devoted to prayer and Bible study. An ideal candidate is a dynamic, engaging speaker who is gifted in discipleship and community evangelism. The members here are family-focused on Growing Close to God, Close to Each Other, and Growing in Service. They are looking for a minister to partner with in this vision and become a part of the family there
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Cushing is an older group looking to grow and to have more young people. Main jobs are preaching and teaching, smaller congregation so may be asked to do more
Church: Liledoun Road
Position: Preaching Minister
State/City: NC/Taylorsville
Elders: 2
Attendance: 50=/-
Contact: Earl Hazard (828) 234-9895, ehazard@charter.net or Brent West (336) 928-0062 brentwest62@gmail.com for more information.
Description: Liledoun Road church of Christ is seeking a full-time preacher. They are looking for an evangelist eager to help the congregation grow spiritually and numerically for the Lord’s Kingdom. Duties include sermons on Sunday mornings, as well as Bible Study on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Visitation with membership and involvement in our community. Liledoun Road is nestled in a small, quiet rural town on the South side of the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina, known for apples, peaches, nectarines, plums, and the roar of classic cars. The building and house sit within walking distance of Alexander County High School and Taylorsville Elementary School. Compensation also includes the use of a house;
Date Opened: 9/15/2023
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