Don't Let It End

Well, the Thanksgiving season has come and gone, now its time to move on to the really big Holiday, right? As a friend recently said, “Thanksgiving is over? Not so fast! Don't make thanksgiving a tradition, make it a habit.”


Most of us preachers probably preached at least one sermon about Thanksgiving. We may have even used those oft-quoted words, “Thanksgiving is thanks living!” In our worship times we read scriptures about Thanksgiving, sang songs about Thanksgiving, and even offered special prayers of Thanksgiving. Many of us planned a special Thanksgiving devotion during the week.


But is it possible in our rush to call others to a life of Thanksgiving, we failed to contemplate how God has been gracious to us? Did we quote James 1:17 while failing to consider the gifts God has bestowed upon us?


You know the ones. The gift of being able to stand before people every week to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. The gift of seeing people at their very best and being blessed to help them when they are at their very worst. The gift of holding another newborn and the gift of standing to comfort a family who has lost the dearest on earth to them.


The gift of helping unite a couple in marriage and working for months or years with a couple to help them remain united in marriage. The gift of visiting a beloved shut-in member and walking away more blessed by the visit than the one we visited. 


The gift of helping our shepherds through a difficult time in the life of the Church and the gift of watching members who become stronger through difficult times. 


We all know about these gifts, and you can add many more to the list. Have a blessed week, and don’t let Thanksgiving end!

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