A Ministry Thank You...Happy Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving week and no doubt many of you tried to focus this squeezed in holiday back (squeezed in-between Halloween and Christmas, squeezed in between football and shopping, squeezed in like you’ll try to squeeze into those jeans next week) to its purely plain purpose in your preaching yesterday. 


Today we want to say that we are thankful for our friends ministry.


I am thankful for my fellow ministers because you are…

ambassadors, arbitrators, associates

Barnabas, builders, boosters 

counselors, compassion givers, co-workers

doers, disciples, distinctive

examples, exegetes, expositors 

exhorters, evangelists, encouragers

faithful, forceful, formidable

godly, good, gold

humble, human, heralds

inspirational, influencers, impactful

leaders, lovers of good, laborers

listeners, life-lines, occasional unintentional lackeys

ministers, messengers, missionaries

preachers, planters, proclaimers

pioneers, priestly, profitable

selfless, sacrificial, servants, 

soldiers, sowers, sharers



To us you’re…

God’s supermen in simple suits

Heaven’s heroes in Honda’s and Hyundai’s

The Kingdom’s keynoters in Khakis 

The Master’s Ministers in meekness

Jesus Justice League at joyful junctures 

The church’s crusaders in a challenging culture

The Messiah’s messengers in remarkable moments


You get the idea. We love you because we are fun friends forever and fellow-workers of the Father and family in times of frustration.


Happy Thanksgiving from The Jenkins Institute

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