Preachers Are Called

How is that for a Monday Morning wakeup call? Before you get to upset over that title please let me explain. I know that most of us who read these posts don’t believe that we receive a special, visible, or audible calling from above telling us we need to preach. 


However, once we make the decision to preach, regardless of the reason we made the decision there are numerous callings/commissions/tasks/jobs/duties placed before us. 


We are called to preach the Word, in season and out of season. (2 Timothy 4:1-2) We are called to fulfill our ministry, to pack it full. (2 Timothy 4:5) We are called to be diligent students of the Word of God. (2 Timothy 2:15) We are called to develop the mind of Christ and in humility serve others as He did. (Philippians 2:2-5) 


Today and for the rest of this week we will be called on many times. We will be called to visit someone who is close to death’s door or who is facing some major surgery. We will be called to meet with a couple that is struggling mightily in their marriage. 


We will be called to talk to a teenager who feels alone, depressed, or despondent with life. We will be called to take an elderly widow to see a doctor. We will be called to help handle a benevolent situation. We will be called to speak to a community club. 


An elder who needs to discuss some urgent Church problem will call us. A teacher will call us because our child is having some problem at school. Our wife will call us to help with a problem at home. 


Now, what was that about preachers not being called?? When we are called to serve this week may God help us answer the call with enthusiasm, humility, sincerity, and in every way that glorifies Him! 
