I don't know...

I don’t know what kind of day you had yesterday. There may have been a record crowd and several baptisms, or it may have been a “down day” - in numbers and most every other trackable metric.  I’m not sure where you are in your cycle of ministry. You may be riding high in the sweet feel of the “honeymoon stage” or you may be questioning if it’s time to toss the towel in and move on. You may feel comfortable and at peace or your level of frustration my be topped out right now.  


But I trust this. Yesterday you stood before God’s People with God’s Word and God was honored.  You gave it your best and whether on this earth you feel deflated or defeated, desperate or depressed, full of vim and vigor, victory and valor. God is proud of you and more love you, respect you, look up to you, think of you as courageous, a hero, a mentor and an example than you can imagine.  Hang in there. Thank God of the privilege of being His man and go forth walking tall for that rich blessing! Let there be a spring in your step and a song in your smile for “if God be for us, who can be against us” or as dad often said: “God plus one is always a majority!”  Remember, “the Lord is risen and goes before you” (Matthew 28:7). 


Wash, rinse, repeat - but the routine must never become mundane in “our” Work.  We “hold forth the word of life…" (Philippians 2:16-18).  


So, be blessed today - because you were a blessing yesterday!   




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