Take Some Time...
Congratulations preacher, you’ve made it through another Sunday. Your study, your commitment, your love for the Lord, your love for His Church, and your love for His Word paid off. You made it through the critical remarks; you made it through another elders meeting or business meeting. You made it even though you might not have felt the best or even thought you might not have had the greatest week. Now it’s time to start over again and get ready for next Sunday.
May I encourage you on this Monday to take some time for some things you might not have considered lately? Take some time to enjoy your family. If at all possible, spend some alone time with your wife. Save a night just to be home with your family.
Take some time for yourself. I know, I know, we are all busy. We’ve got lessons to prepare, meetings to attend, people to study with, emails to answer, and more lessons to prepare. But do something that can help yourself renew, refresh, reboot, and reset. This is not a selfish thought. We will be better equipped to serve the Lord and others if we can take some time for ourselves.
Take some time to gain wisdom from an older saint. One of the ways that I unwind after a long, tough Sunday is by spending some time with an older Christian, specifically an older preacher to just sit and listen. It’s so much fun to ask the about their life and their ministry. It will do that person much good, and it will bless your life immensely.
Take some time to pray. As we face a new week with new challenges one of the greatest things we can do is pray. We need God’s help to accomplish great things for Him. Take some time!