Before you...
What’s your week look like preacher? Will it be spent running from one appointment to another? Studying? Praying near those who are sick and dying? Celebrating a new birth or a wedding? In meetings listening, learning or helping plot a future? Brooding unnecessarily but humanly over matters beyond your control? Trying to squeeze another call, appointment, hour into your already 18 hour days? Teaching, preaching, discipling? In nursing homes? Funeral homes? Visitors homes?
I want to share with you a truth out of context that is nonetheless a truth.
In Matthew 28 we have the most amazing story of all of human history as two ladies go to visit the tomb of God. They, like the others, “had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel.” And they too knew it was “now the third day since these things happened” (Luke 24:21). But surely no one knew what God had in store for them that day and all the days that would follow. All of human history changed that day. But first…the angel and the words that thumped satan in the head.
“…go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee” (Matthew 28:7).
And, while we were not there that day - it is still true today. He has risen and He does go before us. Wherever you go the Lord will be with you (Matthew 28:20). With any fear you feel and concern you face, trepidation you experience - just remember He was there first and will remain there with you. I pray simple thought gives you the peace, confidence and security it births in my heart.