They Need Us
We all know they need us on Sunday. They need us to stand and proclaim the Word of God. They need us to be prepared. They need us to speak God’s Word into their life to help navigate the chaos and confusion in our journey.
We know that. However, it doesn’t end there. They need us for so much more. They need to be able to talk to us before and after we preach.
A dear sister came to me today and said, “I want to thank you for standing at the door to greet us as we leave.” She went on to say that in the two previous churches where she and her family worshiped, the preachers were seldom seen unless they were in the pulpit. The way I was taught, I didn’t know there was another option.
They also need us Monday-Saturday. They need us to be there when they’re in the hospital. They need us to be there when there’s death in their family.
They need us when a child is born. They need us to get to know their children, away from the meeting house. They need us to be available to answer their questions, to help them with family concerns, and to pray for them when they are struggling.
They need us to share their joys & their sorrows, their victories & their losses, their strengths & their weaknesses, their ups & their downs.
The sad reality is that some Christians don’t know their preachers. It’s sad for the Church folk and it’s sad for the preacher.
Sure, it requires more effort, more work, more energy, and more time from us. When we are involved in the lives of our people, we will at times be disappointed. But I promise you, the joys and rewards will far outweigh any disappointments. They need us, preachers!