
4your Monday was born at one of our late night meetings following last year’s BETTER: Texas when a worn out preacher asked what resources there were for preachers to go to on Monday morning to help them hang in after a hard Sunday.  One of the 4 R’s is Refresh.  Refresh: This morning spend a few minutes just breathing. A few minutes of meditation. A few minutes of thankful prayer. A few minutes shoving the deadlines aside, pushing back the issues of the week, holding off the unending to-do list, squashing the doubts brought on by yesterday critics. And just breath.  As you do, remember who you are, Whose you are, why you do what you do, how it all started and what your greatest desires in ministry are. I think you’ll find yourself more at peace, more filled with joy and better equipped for the week ahead.  Thank you for what you do. Know that we love you and pray for you.
