Let Us Pray!
This week we will be called upon to pray many times. We will pray for meals, we will pray in meetings, we will pray for friends who are ill, and we will pray for people who are grieving. We will pray for people who are looking for work, we will pray for marriages that are in danger, we will pray for families who have children/grandchildren who have walked away from the Lord, we will pray for elders who are in the process of making major decisions, we will pray for people who are weak in their faith, we will pray for brothers who are considering future plans for their work in the Kingdom, and we will pray for persecuted Christians around the world.
Our loving Father has made it clear that it His desire for His children to come boldly before His Throne. He wants us to seek Him so that we can find grace to help in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16) Because of His gracious offer, all of these prayers have God’s blessing.
However, my beloved brothers, as we pray these prayers of intercession, let’s never forget to offer prayers of gratitude and praise. We should thank Him for the privilege of preaching His Word, for the opportunity to work with His people, for the blessing of being His child, for the forgiveness of sins, for the hope of Heaven.
We should praise Him for His Goodness toward us. We should praise Him for His watchfulness over us. We should praise Him for every spiritual as well as every physical blessing He has bestowed on us. We should praise Him for the greatest gift every given. We should praise Him for His Majesty, His Holiness, His Greatness, and His Love. Brothers, let us pray!