Thank Someone
Of course, there is plenty to be concerned about in our nation, in our families, and in our churches. Every one of us has our set of concerns that are specific to our situation. And, as preachers, we all have people in our pews who provide plenty of problems!
There’s that member who we thought we could trust and always depend on for support, who has recently turned on us. There’s that family who is causing that other family heartache and headaches. There’s that elder (you know the one), who is making our ministry more challenging and our life miserable. There are financial worries, health concerns, and scheduling problems. All preachers have dealt with these issues, and many are currently dealing with some or all of them.
However, there are people and things about our work for which we can and should give thanks. We want to encourage you to do just that. Express your gratitude to someone this week who is a bright spot in your life. Send an email or text. Make a phone call to say thank you. Go to the person who deserves your gratitude and tell them face to face. Each week I write a few personalized notes (on real paper) to a few in the congregation just to say “thank you!”
Maybe it’s the brother who is teaching a Bible class that reinforces what you are preaching. Maybe it’s that other elder who is making our ministry more enjoyable because of his concern, support, and encouragement. Maybe it’s that sweet old sister who has told you more than once that she prays regularly for you. Maybe it’s a deacon who does his work relentlessly without ever complaining.
We all have this kind of people in our life, as well as the "not so pleasant" ones. This would be a great week to express our sincere appreciation for them!