Peter was there. He saw it all. He saw Jesus in a glorified state, transfigured. He saw Moses & Elijah appear. He saw the cloud, representing the glory of God. He heard with his ears. He heard the voice of God speak from the cloud. He heard the words, “This is my beloved son, listen to Him.”
Several years later, Peter reminisced about being an eyewitness to these astounding events! Then Peter says something amazing. He says, that as astonishing as this event was, and as certain as he was about it, there is something that all Christians have that should bring us a greater sense of certainty.
There is much about life that causes uncertainty. There may be a lot of uncertainty in your mind about situations in your life even this week.
We can’t always be certain:
That our country will elect officials that will help us grow closer to God.
About the economy.
About our own financial situation.
That Church members will give us a proper hearing as we proclaim the Word of God.
That our children and grandchildren will live like we believe they should live.
That we will have a great relationship with our elders & that they will treat us like they should.
That our job is secure.
About our health.
That our friends will always be loyal.
In a world of uncertainty, there is certainty for men of God. We can be certain that God is on His throne, that He will provide what we need, that our Savior will not leave us or forsake us, and that He will walk with us through whatever trials we face.
We can be certain that He will never disappoint us, that His Word will always do what He intends for it to do and that we will someday receive an eternal reward. May God fill your heart with certainty as you serve Him this week!