One of "those" days...
It was one of those days - no, one of those other days - the good days: A full house, great singing, a lot of guests, a new young family placed membership, the sermon came “easy.” and the good, full day ended with a baptism. Praise God.
Now, for some of you reading this you feel a sting of, what is it? longing? envy? jealousy? Let’s think about it. You didn’t have that kind of day, right? I understand. I’ve been plenty of times too. Sitting, listening to someone talk about how good things are when they seem to be falling apart around you. It’s hard. You don’t want to feel bad toward them - but you so desire to have a good day, a better day.
What we may forget is that satan wants to creep in and take your longing and move it to lust. How about if we just all learn to rejoice when good things happen in the Kingdom? We aren’t just to weep when our brothers weep - but we are to rejoice when they rejoice. And as I heard dad say many years ago - sometimes it’s harder to do the later than the former.
But you’ve had those good days and you will have them again. Remember your mission is to be a faithful steward (1Co 4:2), to be an available vessel (2Ti 2:20), to be an appealing ambassador (2Co 5:20), to be an eager evangelist (Ro 1:15), and to be a prepared preacher (2Ti 4:2). Let’s all learn to rejoice with each other in every good day a servant of the King has and be committed to doing His work where we are and let His Word do it’s job (Isa 55:11). May God bless you in the doing, we love you all, and hope those good days come more often than not.