Well Done!

My prayer is that somebody expressed these beautiful words of encouragement to you on Sunday. However, I understand that it is possible that no one did. We’ve all been through those kinds of days. Days when people told us about a mistake we made. Perhaps we gave the wrong reference during a sermon or Bible class.

There are those days when we personally feel that not only did we not hit it out of the park, we are not sure we made it out of the batter’s box! There are days when well-meaning Church folk will tell us what we did wrong, but not what we did that was helpful. There are days when we wonder if anybody noticed the study and preparation that went into our preaching.

May I encourage you to know that you did well, even when nobody recognizes it. Every time you are doing the work of God, you do well.

Preacher, you do well…

When you pour your mind, soul, and heart into the presentation of the Word of God.

When you make calls, send emails, and speak words of comfort to those who are hurting.

When you answer questions that people have about the Word.

When you pray for individuals who are hurting, for the elders who lead, and for your fellow preachers.

When you take the time to talk to older people who are lonely, visitors who are new, and children who look up to you with great respect.

When you help someone who has been treated unjustly or who has been disenfranchised by society.

When you spend countless hours each week giving your time, energy, and life to the work of God.

If we are doing the work of God He says "well done." And remember brothers, when God says, “well done,” that is ultimately all that matters!
