ice Cream to Pandas

You love the Lord, you want to honor His Word, you are committed to His way, and you desire to serve along side His people.  I felt it again recently that feeling of wanting to throw in the towel, to sell ice cream in igloos or parkas in Panama - something that is surely easier than this.  But this time rather than wringing my hands in despair and trying to put bandaids over deep gashes I prayed and thought.  May I share those thoughts? Thanks. 


It is not drama that I hate but the potential fallout from that drama: There will always be drama. That is just how it is.  People bump up against each other. Even God’s People. If there were never a problem, never a need for corrective messages, never a matter that needed God’s Wisdom spoken into it - then us preacher types really would not be needed would we (Jude 1:3; 2 Peter 1:12; Hebrews 2:1; 1 Corinthians 15:1; Romans 15:15).  


God loves His church more than I do and for that one reason it will be OK.


I am not an elder and as my wife often reminds me, let the elders be the elders.  


I am not in enforcement - SO DO my job BETTER.  
