You're on His List!
They had endured failures and sorrow in the past, but not this time. This time, they were successful. This time, the plan worked. This time, when they came back, they were overflowing with joy.
They are the disciples who Jesus sent out on what we call the limited commission. (Luke 10) They were rejoicing because they were able to subject the demons in the Name of Jesus. And you remember the Lord’s response.
He told them, it’s okay to rejoice, but don’t just rejoice because you’ve won a victory, don’t just rejoice in your circumstances, rather rejoice because your name is recorded in Heaven. Your name is written in the Lambs book of life!
So, maybe your name wasn’t on the list of those who made the team in High school, or the club, or the program, or any other significant list during your school years.
Maybe your name isn’t on the list of Who’s Who Among Preachers, or the list of speakers for some program. Maybe your name isn’t on the list of richest people in America, or most successful people in your community.
And maybe your circumstances aren’t so great right now. Maybe things are the best they’ve ever been at home or down at Church. Maybe you don’t have a great relationship with your elders or staff members. Maybe you’re struggling with your health or your finances.
Or maybe your circumstances are better than ever, your family is doing better than ever, things at Church are almost perfect, and everything else in your life is great.
The reminder for all of us is the same. Regardless of our circumstances and regardless of what list our name appears on down here, our greatest joy should be found in the fact that our name is written in Heaven.
May God help us to live this week with joy in our heart because our name is recorded in Heaven. You are on his list, Preacherman. You can rejoice!