It's a New Day
Perhaps Sunday was one of those Red-letter Days for you. You know, one of those days that you want to dwell on for a looooong time! The building was packed and you had visitors. You knocked it out of the park. Everybody was complimentary and nobody complained. Your children behaved and there were no disagreements with the wife. One of those days that you want to write about and post it for the whole world to read on Facebook!
Perhaps Sunday was one of those days that you want to forget about already. A lot of folks were out either sick or traveling. Despite the fact you prepared well, you just felt like the sermon struck out. Several complaints came to you and very few compliments. The children had a tough day and the wife did as well. One of those days that you want to block from memory and plead with God that there aren’t any more like this one!
If we are fair and honest, we would admit that we’ve had our share of both kinds of days. And, we know in our heart, there will probably be more days like the one we either enjoyed or endured today!
Here’s what we need to remember. Regardless of the kind of day we had, the One who makes all things new can bring good for someone. The One whose compassions are new every morning and never fail offers us a chance to begin again.
We serve the God of second chances, and third, and fourth. If you had a tough day, don’t fret it too much. Remember, our Great God can take whatever we offer from our heart and use it to bless others. If you had a great day, be sure that you honor and glorify Him because of it!