It's a tough job...
Preaching is most always a tough job - so preachers are the toughest men I know. Some speak disparagingly of what we do, some joke about it, some don’t respect it - they don’t quite understand the real work we are called by God’s Word to do. We are to boldly speak God’s Truths into situations where it is often not wanted, respected, honored or understood. To speak peace into conflict and conflicted hearts. To be a part of snatching souls from satan’s snares and sending them toward the Savior. You have an adversary and enemies - some known, some unknown - some intentional, some accidental - some spiritual, some physical - some external, some internal. Let remind you today there are many in your corner when you are in God’s cabinet. You have people in the pews where you proclaim who are for you. You have people in your life who have invested in you, trained you, taught you, followed your efforts who take your name in hallowed and longing terms to the Father. And much more than that be encouraged that “He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.” Indeed some speak disparagingly of what we do, some joke about it, some don’t respect it - but God knows, He knows your heart, your intentions, your desire. He knows your hurts, your haunts, your hesitations. And He is for you. I don’t know what kind of day you had or week you face but I do know that He knows and He is always, ever, eternally, for you. Yes, it's a tough job - but with God you are tougher than you know.