One Sunday she said to me, “I’m not a member of this Church, and I won’t ever join, but would you preach my funeral?” I told her it would be an honor to do that. She said, “Even though I’m not a member here, you are still my preacher.”
The first time she came, this feisty little lady pointed her finger at me and said, “I like this Church, but I won’t join, so don’t even try to convert me.” I told her she was very kind, but I had every intention of trying to convert her. It’s been a year now, she attends every Sunday, and we are still working on her.
My guess is that every preacher reading these words has a similar story. Someone in the congregation where you preach is convinced you are the greatest preacher who has ever lived. You can preach a sermon that you feel like struck out, and they would still say you hit a home run.
You are their preacher. They call you when they need someone to "talk." They contact you first when they get some good news. You are the one they want to come pray for them when they go to the hospital for surgery or when some other tough time arrives.
They want you to baptize their child, and they want you to help them bury their parents. They want to introduce you to their family and friends as their preacher. They brag about you to others.
I know, that’s not why we preach, but it is one of the tremendous blessings we receive by being preachers. If you are struggling with your work, please don’t forget that there is someone, maybe many people who love you as their preacher.
Thank you for being somebody’s Preacher and for being God’s man. Have a great week!