A Million Miles an Hour in A Thousand Different Directions
Our friend Keith wrote us an email recently that could have come from any thousand of you: “Help! I'm buried in minutiae! A thousand and one little things that have to be done that are all important in their own little way, but are consuming entire days...to the point that when I look back over the day and ask myself what I accomplished, I've got nothing to point to.”
And then tonight a friend wrote his regrets that he can’t attend a program we’re putting on: “Oh man, I thought I sent a message but it was still unsent! Sorry! I can't make it tomorrow. Pretty buried still.... Class, funeral home, and I owe some guy a dozen videos from September.” How many days have we filled to the brim with ministry: answering calls, smothering fires, promoting events, counseling, preparing, nurturing, listening and at the end of the day we wonder - did we do any good?
Let me assure you. You did and do and are making an impact. Your words do comfort, your influence does impact, your study does bear fruit, your push does make things fly. As you more and more become a servant look closely in the mirror. It’s hard to see behind personal feeling of inadequacy, feelings of guilt over failure, and fatigue fueled by frustration but gaze deeply, you’ll see the spirit of Christ, of even an unintended selflessness. Bless you brother - and don’t forget to breath.
I know sometimes it seems your to-do list never grows smaller, it seems every time you mark something off the top you add two things to the bottom, and your days need stretching but remember God is with you and will not fail you and will not forget you and will not jettison you in your faithfulness. May that breath joy and peace into your hectic life.