My time in Your Time...
Dear God:
It’s Sunday night and in those rare moments of the peace after the storm, before the storm that make up the seven-day cycle called preaching - i.e. Sunday’s always coming - for some reason today I’m thinking that I only have a few of these days left. Yes, I know “few” is relative. But few is true. Whether it be 50 or 50 more years few is still few. I have but one life to live, one period in Your grand Scheme of things to give, one term to serve, one people to influence. I have but one soul to give, one tiny moment to impact. In my tiny corner in your vast cosmos, some might say I am nothing. I preach to what? 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000, even a million - it is a drop in the bucket of the billions of souls in existence. Some might say, what does it matter.? But Thou, oh God, does weight each soul as important, significant, great, worth Your very blood, Your life, Your Son. May I dear God fit my soul for Thee, may I prepare, present, preach in such a manner worthy of this present. May I realize that just as small and insignificant as some might believe me to be, You know that the words I speak have in them eternal life or death and may I so equip myself that when this “little life” is done and my latest sun is dying in the west You will smile and say, “Well done.” it’s Sunday night and in these rare moments of peace after the storm, before the storm, I say “Thank you for letting me be Your man in this place and this time.”
In The Name of The Preacher,