What is a Preacher?
If someone forced you to define what a preacher is, what would you say? One might attempt to define a preacher by describing the work he does. You could give a dictionary definition of a preacher, [pree-cher] noun: “a person whose occupation or function it is to preach the gospel.”
The first thought that comes to my mind is that a preacher is to be a man of God. That phrase, “man of God” occurs around seventy times in the book of Jeremiah alone to describe the preacher.
It occurs only twice in the New Testament and both times Paul speaks of Timothy, the preacher as being a man of God. Other thoughts to describe or define a preacher include the following.
A man:
Who preaches the Truth.
Who preaches the Truth, in season and out of season.
Who will reprove, rebuke, & exhort.
Who preaches the Truth in love.
Who preaches Christ crucified.
Who does not shrink back from declaring the whole counsel of God.
Who is not ashamed of the Gospel.
Who will fulfill his ministry.
Who will study to show himself approved of God.
Who will “give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching.
Who will pay close attention to himself and to his teaching.”
Who will “persevere in these things.”
Who loves the Church and is not afraid to show that love in how he speaks about the Church.
Who loves the lost.
Who loves his preaching brothers and does everything he can to encourage them.
Who equips others for the work of ministry.
Who is excited about the work he is doing for the Lord and among the people of God.
Who builds up and edifies as much as possible.
Who loves his wife and his children.
Who protects his family.
Who is always growing in his faith.
Who is not filled with pride, but gives God the glory for everything that is good!
We would love to hear your thoughts about how you would define a preacher? May God bless you with a wonderful week in His service! We love you all.