Let’s be brutally honest. There are times in our preaching and ministry that we wonder if what we are doing matters. May I suggest to you that as you preach the Word of God and as you minister to the lives of people you love throughout the week that it matters, that it matters big time. It matters eternally. It matters to the Lord that you are involved in His work of telling the world about Jesus. It matters to the young person who needs someone else to look up to in his life. It matters to the single mother who spends an hour or so getting her children ready for Sunday school and worship. It matters to the young Dad who desperately wants to be the spiritual leader in his home, but he needs some guidance, some help; help that you can give. It matters to the young families whose lives are so busy and full of work, sports, school, and a million other things, but they are committed to making sure that they don’t forget God.
It matters to the young single person who struggles with relationships and who continues to search for meaning, purpose, and what God wants for their life. It matters to the teens who deep down want to do right, but they are constantly bombarded by the Evil One through drugs, alcohol, sexual temptations, and in numerous other ways. It matters to the elderly couples who have given their lives in service to the Lord as well as His Church and they want to know that what they have done/given is not in vain. It matters to the widows and widowers who feel all alone, who long for Sunday so they can talk to someone, so they can see a smiling face, so they can hear a kind voice. It matters to those who refuse to allow their physical aches and pains to keep them away from the worship of the Lord. It matters to Christians who are suffering spiritually. They know they need the Lord and they are willing to try one more time.
It matters to the people who don’t know the Lord yet, they are looking for something, they have a void in their heart that can only be filled by Jesus, and they need to hear a good Word from the Lord. It matters to the faithful people of God who have come to depend on you, who trust you, and who love you deeply for your commitment to the Lord. It matters to your own family because you are providing spiritual leadership and nourishment for their life as well as their eternity. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your life and work don't matter preacher, don’t let the devil deceive you into thinking your work is an exercise in futility, don’t let the naysayers bring you down. Your work, your life, and your proclamation of the unsearchable riches of Jesus; they all matter!