It was a Sunday night I’ll never forget. One of my elders walked up to me and said, “You know they are after your job, don’t you?” I knew that there was something going on that we disagreed about, but I didn’t know that a couple of the elders wanted me fired.
After praying a lot about it and talking to a couple of trusted advisors, I walked into an elder's meeting and offered my resignation. Even though a couple of the elders didn’t respond, the majority of the elders asked me to stay on with the Church. The next few months were difficult for me, but with the Lord’s help and the wisdom of good men, we were able to work our way through it. In the end, we were better for it as a congregation.
It may be that you are going through something similar right now. Maybe you had an experience like that on Sunday. I do not profess to know how, or to have the wisdom to make the right call in every situation.
However, my first encouragement to you is to do your best to do the right thing. Do what is best for your own spiritual life, your family, and the Church. A few other do’s and don’ts when you are struggling with a situation like this.
(1) Do spend much time in prayer.
(2) Do talk to a small group of trusted advisors who give you sound advice.
(3) Don’t be divisive. Even when we are right, we can be wrong by dividing the Body of Christ.
(4) Do continue to preach the Word. Don’t talk about specific issues from the pulpit regarding your situation. Just preach the Word.
(5) Do continue to love the brethren. All of them. Even the ones with whom you disagree.
(6) Don’t make rash decisions in the heat of the moment. In other words, “Don’t Quit on a Monday.”
May God bless you with whatever struggles you are dealing with right now. May He wrap His arms around you. May He give you peace, comfort, and sense of joy through Jesus Christ.