Who Do You Hear?
Saturday night at the funeral home a dear dear saint thanked me for our work with younger preachers. This person was so very kind and gracious and I accepted the sweetness with equal gratitude and with deep appreciation. BUT I wish I’d said a little more: “Do you think the only ones among us who get discouraged, frustrated, fall and falter are the newbies?”
It’s been a good Sunday. I have a cold. Spoke on Saturday at a Youth Rally, preached Sunday and also spoke at a funeral for a 49-year-old husband and dad, and I was, as always uplifted by worship and blessed by many gracious brothers and sisters.
This morning as I listened to the kind and complimentary comments of those who exited our building I had an odd experience. My mind did a rewind and I remembered how good brothers and sisters have been to me. As with any preacher, I’ve had my critics and those “gunning” for my job. It’s a rare time when there is not at least one person who would like to see you gone. Sometimes there are a handful and sometimes those who do so are vocal and/or powerful.
But think about your ministry. Be honest with yourself. Even if you are discouraged and serving in a difficult place. Most of the brothers and sisters are kind with their encouragements, gracious in their compliments, affectionate with their appreciation, and sincere in their sweetness. Yes, we probably all at times feel unappreciated but that’s typically in our heads and seeps into our souls. Yet, I imagine today, there were many more who were kind in their comments than critical. Don’t quit. While the voice of the critic clangs more clearly in your head, strive to hear every voice and know you are more appreciated than you realize.
We hope this is a great week for you.