Our God Keeps His Promises

In our Sunday night study of the Book of Exodus this week, we looked at a small section of Scripture at the end of chapter 13. The people of God find themselves on the edge of the wilderness.

God has rescued them from the hand of the Egyptian armies and now they are preparing to make the journey to the promised land. They have no idea what lies ahead.

In a seemingly, out-of-place passage, while the people are preparing for the journey, Moses is exhuming the bones of Joseph. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense, until we remember what happened at the end of Joseph’s life in Genesis 50. Two important thoughts: (1) The people are fulfilling Joseph’s last wishes.

(2) Moses is presenting the people with a visual reminder that God keeps His promises. Joseph had told his brothers that God would rescue His people from Egyptian bondage. What they desperately need as they enter the wilderness wanderings is the knowledge that God always keeps His promises.

Perhaps there is someone reading these words who feels that you are in the wilderness? You are struggling with your family relationships, you’re not sure where you stand with the leaders in the Church, you are having financial difficulties, or maybe some temptation is beating up on you right now. You know, the wilderness; uncertainty about the future, fear, concern, anxiety, loneliness, etc. 

May I encourage you as you face your wilderness to remember the promises of God.

“I will never leave you or forsake you.”

“We know that God causes all things to work together for good…”

“…God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able…

“Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

Remembering and trusting the promises of God will help us endure any wilderness we face in our lives.

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