Coronavirus. Isolation. Loneliness. Civil unrest. Partisan politics. Divided country. Murder. Chaos. Confusion. Rioting. Divided churches. Health concerns. Family issues. Economic stress. Job loss. Temptations. Trials. Turmoil. Tribulations.
Any one of these alone is difficult, but all at the same time! It’s enough to make the strongest among us lose our focus. I have to confess to you guys, that I am personally struggling with keeping my focus.
Throw into the mix of everything I’ve mentioned, this week is the one-year anniversary of the passing of my sweet wife. It was the week my world was forever changed. My life is definitely not the same. I know that some of you who are reading this, have also experienced life-altering events.
So, you know the feeling well. Am I glorifying God in my preaching, my writing, my posts, my conversations, and my encounters with others? In a world with a lot of darkness, am I allowing the light of Jesus to shine through my heart, my attitude, my life, and my teaching?
I am fully convinced that Satan want us to get off track. He will use any and every means possible to cause men of God to lose focus. If he can get us to lose our focus, we will become discouraged, disheartened, dejected, and depressed. If he can get us to lose our focus, it will be easier for him to disqualify us from the work.
As those who are citizens of another Kingdom, we need to be careful that we don’t allow the problems of earthly kingdoms to crowd out our work in the Heavenly Kingdom.
What the world needs most from God’s man is that we never forget that we are to be soul-conscience, God-glorifying, people-loving, Jesus-serving, Image-bearing, light-shining, Gospel-proclaiming, preachers!
Dear Men of God, please keep your focus this week. Pray, preach, write, and live to serve our Master. The Kingdom needs you, your voice, your heart, and your life. Together, we can do great work for our Lord, His Family, and our world.