Don't Feel So Odd
Even among ministers most believe that their fellow ministers are extroverts. They watch and interact with other ministers and there is a natural assumption that if you are the guy out front and up front you certainly must be extroverted.
So if you are an introvert and a minister you probably often feel mismatched. TJI’s most recent poll might help you out. Among ministers only 13.8% define themselves as extroverts and another 19% as more extroverted than introverted. But this leaves nearly 70% of our ministers as being more introverted. I don’t know about you but it does me good when I realize I’m not as odd as I sometimes feel. But, I’ve seen you, I know the work you do and you are out front and look so extroverted.
That’s where the survey gets interesting. The largest number of respondents said “Most believe me to be an introvert but I really am rather extroverted.” That number actually did my heart good. It means you are working hard to make connections with others even though it is not easy or does not come naturally to you. Thank you for making this effort. Thank you for working hard to make people feel comfortable in the assembly, for making people feel welcome, for opening doors and hearts to the gospel. So, thank you.
Take the survey here.