It Hurts

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Another preacher friend lost his job. It hurts. A friend learned that his cancer has spread again. It hurts. A preacher spent two weeks quarantined because of Covid, then his wife got it. It hurts.  

A young couple spent three weeks with their little girl in the hospital. It hurts. The elders reprimanded the preacher because one of the big givers didn’t like something the preacher said. It hurts.

A preacher’s wife is questioning her faith because of how she and her family are being treated. It hurts. There’s not enough money to pay the bills this month. It hurts.

There’s so much about life that seems unfair. All of these scenarios are real and you probably have your own horror stories. It is heart-breaking to hear each one. They all hurt.

Yet even in the midst of sorrow, pain, and heartache, there are sweet promises from our loving Father. He promises us that He will not leave us alone. He promises that He will use His people to help us.

Even though it still hurts, there is the peace that passes all understanding. There is the reminder that whatever crisis we are dealing with in this life doesn’t compare with the weight of glory that will someday be ours.

Dear Brothers, if you are struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. We are here for one another. May God strengthen you, comfort you, and above all give you the strength you need to keep going, even when it hurts.
