It's About Who We Are
It’s About Who We Are
One of the reasons some preachers struggle so much in their work is because of the emphasis on what we do. Sometimes this is due to expectations from local churches, from other preachers, and even from within us.
Because we are “preachers,” we are expected to study the Word of God, present outstanding sermons, and help lead the church into the future. We are also called upon to attend numerous meetings, be involved (along with our family) in every event or ministry of the church. There are funerals, weddings, visits that need to be made, and counseling that takes place in our ministry. Then there are the unspoken expectations such as going to children’s events, special fellowships, and just “being there,” wherever “there” is during a given week.
All of these expectations and scheduling concerns can bring a great deal of stress into our lives, as well as our marriages and family life. So, what is the answer? Well, some say, “I don’t do those kinds of things you’ve mentioned above.” Others become overwhelmed and say, “This is not what I signed up for when I became a preacher.”
In my mind, a lot of this is about identity. We need to work overtime to ensure that our identity isn’t wrapped up in what we do, but it is wrapped up in who we are. We are and should always be, Children of God, Followers of King Jesus, Men of God. Men of God who are loved supremely by our Father, who are cared for by Him, and who are protected as we do our work.
Twice in his letters to Timothy, Paul calls him a man of God. Interestingly, he uses that term rather than preachers. Perhaps the Holy Spirit wants all of us to preach to focus more on who we are rather than just focusing on what we do. It might also cause us to be able to handle the stresses of what we do.