Don't Quit

Don’t Quit

God’s looking for a few good men (well, as many as will apply).

Men who are not in this to preach at the biggest church out there but to be as effective as they can be.

Men who will study the Bible one on one with people.

Men who want to work hard in His Work.

Men who are tough and won’t quit at the first sign of trouble.

Men who equip their faith to handle hardship, criticism, and not being appreciated.

Men who are doggedly committed to the Word.

Men who will care for His people.

Men who will encourage their fellow servants and avoid jealousy.

Men who are passionate in their presentation of Truth.

Men who can sacrifice their own opinions and feelings for the good of the Kingdom.

Men who will be faithful in their work, to the Word, and to His Family.

He needs YOU! Don’t quit.
