
Almost every preacher who reads this post greatly understands the significance of words. We believe in the saving power of the Word of God. 

We’ve all had people speak words to us that break our hearts. Sarcastic words, unkind words, hateful words, bitter words, words that can crush our spirit.

The words of others have also blessed us. Words of grace, words of forgiveness, words of compassion, words of encouragement, words of love, words that can bring renewal to a broken spirit.

We can help create a better world by choosing our words carefully. It’s true, we are going to make mistakes and we are all going to sin. 

May God help us show one another more grace, even when we disagree. May He help us to be kinder to one another, even when we have been disappointed. May He help us speak (and write) words that build up rather than words that destroy. Let’s do our best to bless everyone around us today!

And when someone speaks words that cause us to want to quit, we will do well to turn our lives and even the words of those who hurt us over to Him. My prayer for you this week is that as you hear words and as you speak words you will remember that the most powerful words belong to our Gracious God!
