The Lord Only Knows

The Lord only knows. 

The Lord only knows how many faithful congregations of His people are out there.

The Lord only knows the growth rate of the church. 

The Lord only knows how many of His Special Servants are struggling today.

The Lord only knows what you are personally enduring for His sake.

The Lord only knows how many souls have been saved or salvaged by a word from His Word, from your words. 

The Lord only knows how many look up to you as their earthly example of faith.

The Lord only knows how many times you have stood in the gap for others who need someone to stand up for them for Him.

The Lord only knows your personal level of struggle, doubt, and personal challenges.

The Lord only knows how many times you have stood up for right and what it has cost you.

The Lord only knows the number of times you have held your tongue when it would have been easier to lash out or respond in kind.

The Lord only knows the number of times you have spoken up when it would have been a easier path to not have.

The Lord only knows the financial sacrifices you have made to do His Work.

The Lord only knows what others have said to you that have cut deeply, or that have gotten back to you that cut even deeper.

The Lord only knows how many tears you have shed for others.

The Lord only knows how often you have struggled hours over a text to present it “rightly.”

The Lord only knows the sacrifices you have made to stay in ministry when it seems it would have been easy to quit.


The Lord does know. He knows and He cares and He will not forget and He will not leave you, abandon you, give up on you, or forsake you. The Lord knows, and the Lord will reward.

The Lord Knows.

Don’t quit. 
