Rainy Days & Mondays

The song was written by Paul Williams. It was sung by Richard & Karen Carpenter. The first stanza says, “Talkin' to myself and feelin' old, sometimes I'd like to quit. Nothin' ever seems to fit. Hangin' around. Nothin' to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.”

We’ve had a lot of rainy days lately in our part of the country. The weather has been, well, let’s just say, gloomy. Of course, in our part of the country, we don’t complain about having rain, especially this time of year. We know that soon when the 100-degree days take over, we will be praying for rain.

The life of a preacher will have rainy days, at times many of them, and at times they will come in succession, bearing down on us like a bad storm. Maybe you find yourself in a rainy season right now. The question is not whether we will have them, rather, what will we do to keep from quitting? Please allow me to share a couple of thoughts.

First, we should make sure our spiritual house is built on solid rock, which will protect us when the floods come and the winds blow and slam against it (Matthew 7).

Another way we can endure when the storms come our way is by keeping our eyes on the SON! The writer of Hebrews reminds us that if we would endure, we should keep looking “only at Jesus.” He withstood even the shame of the cross for us and stands alone as the supreme example of overcoming the storms of this life (Hebrews 12:1-3).

A final thought is to surround ourselves with others who have overcome. There are great examples among our preaching brothers who have been beaten on by the storms of life but have continuously been victorious. In the same chapter mentioned earlier, the preacher helps us remember that we “have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us.” May God bless you, dear brother, as you remain strong and loyal to our King. May He strengthen you in the coming days as you continue serving Him.
