Never Quit Growing

It was a blessing to spend a few moments recently talking with a young preacher who was asking about how he should plan for his future. The wonderful young man of God is a wonderful student of the Word and loves studying.

He is working on an advanced degree, and one of his questions was about how he should approach the next part of his life. My young friend is already doing great work in the Kingdom, and I believe he will be a wonderful servant of our Lord for many years to come.

Some preachers burn out or become frustrated with their work because they forget how important it is to keep learning. A preacher isn’t required to have advanced degrees, but it is crucial that we never quit growing.

A good friend says, “If we ever quit studying, we are dead in the water!” We must always be learning. We can learn through reading, listening to the wisdom of other preachers, asking questions, and observing the world around us.

We all know the scriptures that teach us the necessity of study and spiritual growth. Passages such as 1 Timothy 3:14-16; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 2:2; and Hebrews 5:11-14, as well as many others. Brothers, don’t become so busy teaching others that you become negligent of your own spiritual growth. 

If we continue studying and learning, the Lord will help us grow. May God bless you richly this week as you grow closer to His people and to Him. May He bless you as you study His Word and as you share it with those around you.
