He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world

One of the interesting things about preaching somewhere different every Sunday is that you grow accustomed to asking the question: “What is the order of thing here?” I need to know things like if the Lord’s Supper will be offered before or after the sermon, if I go up to preach right after a song, a scripture reading, or an introduction, that sort of thing. 

A couple of weeks ago I forgot to ask. I had noticed the communion emblems were available to pick up when I entered the building, so I had mine. I’ll often sit it beside me as we worship, but the pew I was on was rather full so I had it in my hand. The singing that day was outstanding. And, beautifully led and with great singing from throughout the assembly. I loved the selections of praise, of old songs and new. Excuse this rather interesting moment if you must, but as I held the emblems representing the body and blood of the Lord something rather unusual happened in my mind. I started relating all the songs to the Lord in a way I never had before: “Lord, I lift Your name on high…Lord I love to sing Your praises…I’m so glad You’re in my life…Praise the Lord oh my soul…worship Your holy name…10,000 reasons for my heart to sing…If the name of the Savior is precious to you…if His care has been tender and constant and true…Of one the Lord has made the race…the Gospel is for all…the precious Gospel is for all…Come drink the cup, come share the bread…Come share the Lord. 

Those physical elements representing Christ as I sang of and to Him were as if He were there (and He was/is, Matthew 26:29; 18:20). As I thought about that, I thought I would write something about it. But I know me. I think that often about an event or such and then forget about it. So, I took the empty plastic chalice container and put it in my pocket. 

Then something else unexpected happened. Each time I’d reach into my pocket I’d remember the “bit” I was to write about but then I’d also think about the Lord. And each night as I emptied the contents of my pocket I’d do the same. It’s been over nine days now. I’m not starting a revolution over this, but that reminder, it’s right. The Lord is with us, it is His promise. Many verses teach that, perhaps none more clearly than Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always.” 

I don’t know what your week is/was like. I don’t know what kind of Sunday you had, what challenges are chasing you, what emotions are trying to wrestle you to the ground, or what dudes or demons you might be confronting. I do know this. We carry the Lord with us. He goes before us (Matthew 28:7). He is in the Lion’s Den with His People (Daniel 6). He is in the furnace with His beloved (Daniel 3:25). His armies protect and outnumber whatever the enemy (2 Kings 6:17-20). 

Hang in there and never forget:

“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). 
