A Few Things I Have Learned About Preachers

One of the greatest blessings of our work is that it allows us to be associated with thousands of preachers around the world. As you might guess, in our work, we run into all kinds of preachers. Our experience is that the vast majority of preachers are good. Of course there are some who seem to be out to do more harm than good. Some seem to have a greater desire to praise themselves than to glorify God. A few seem to want to bring down the church either by propping themselves up or by being hypocritical. I really believe that those last few statements are not true about most preachers. If you are reading this, chances are that you are either a preacher or you share a relationship with one. Here are just a few things we have learned about you.

You are a good man who loves the Lord, His people, His Word, and those who are not yet a part of His Family.

You work harder than most people realize.

You give of yourself by putting the needs of those you minister too above your own needs.

You spend countless hours in prayer for “your people.”

You study hard and make every effort to be prepared to preach & teach the Word in love.

You are not arrogant about what do or what you teach. You don’t boast or brag about what you do.

You care deeply about the health and the growth of the church.

You are willing to listen to others and learn, because you don’t believe you have everything figured out and that you are always right.

You are not jealous and you rejoice in the successes of others. 

You are committed to glorifying God in your work.

You love your family and sometimes wonder if you are giving your wife and children the time and attention that they should receive.

You are not greedy, but sometimes secretly wish that your finances were more stable.

You are sometimes hurt when the majority of people commend you and a small vocal minority do not.

You love the Kingdom around the world and the local church you serve.

You have the heart of a servant.

You have a heart of love, compassion, concern, and forgiveness

Thank you, Dear brother for who you are and for all you do. Thank you for hanging in there during the most challenging days. We hope you know you are loved and greatly appreciated by many.
