Tough on A Preacher

Summer can be tough on a preacher. Members going on vacations you can’t afford. Attendance tends to decrease in many churches. It’s hot. And, this year add in a healthy dose of election drama. Thoughts of moving on could easily enter the strongest of minds. 

Here’s a thought. How about focusing on Jesus the rest of the summer? Yes, I know you do all the time. Yes, I know every sermon is about Him. But, what I am suggesting is a specific and directed focus. 

Focus on Jesus the rest of the summer. Personally, go back and re-read aloud one of the Gospel Accounts each week (the most you’d read would be Matthew at 4 chapters a day). In your preaching approach it from a Jesus standpoint: His grace and what that means, His love and how imitating it would affect our relationships/congregation/community/politics/posting. His divinity and why that is significant in our daily lives and in our worship. His Words and how they affect us. Don’t just preach about Him, focus on Him. I think you’ll find your soul refreshed in these hot and frustrating days. May God bless and renew you!
