He is Enough

From the beginning of time, every one of God’s men have endured pain. This would include physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain, isolation, loneliness, and death (even on a cross). There are some of God’s men who are reading these words right now, and you may be dealing with pain that you never thought possible. 

You might be hurting physically, or someone you love is suffering. You might be dealing with marriage or family problems. Perhaps there are brothers and sisters in Christ who have disappointed you or hurt you. Maybe you are going through some trying times with a co-worker or with your leadership. You may have lost your job or be concerned that you could. Maybe you’ve lost a child to death or to the world. Some of you have lost your spouse, and you feel alone or isolated in this world. 

One of the realities that men of God in scripture eventually figured out is that God is enough. There is nothing too difficult for Him. He is enough strength to handle whatever we face in this life. He is enough when we face disease, disappointment, disapproval, divorce, detachment, desolation, or even death. 

He is enough when the world feels completely upside down. He is enough when we have lost our way. He is enough when we are afraid. He is enough when we are in pain. He is enough when we are alone. He is enough when we want to quit. How blessed we are to have a loving, caring, compassionate Father who is enough. “And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast [c]about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) 
