Was 2010 good or bad?
Well, this year Melanie’s grandmom died and a dear close cousin. My dad died. One of our dear friends was killed in a trucking accident. Our sweet little dog who we’d had for 14 years died. Some of my closest friends lost their jobs. I had a couple of people dear to me who’s marriages flounder. Our growth at Spring Meadows was only about 10-12%. I lost big time in my battle with weight. It was a tough year.
BUT: My youngest son married a wonderful Christian young lady. Our oldest son and his wife revealed they are having a child. Both my boys left excellent jobs to go to work in excellent settings. I had my first book published by a major publisher. I got to preach roughly 300 times in some wonderful places and on some special programs - none more special than with my brothers and sisters at Spring Meadows. I enjoyed being a part of many of my preaching brothers journeys. I continued to be allowed into the friendship of people who love me regardless of whether the scales do or now :). I was privileged to work with a growing and great congregation of God’s People. My dad, Mel’s cousin, grandmom and our friend, we trust went to Heaven and I continued to be forgiven by a gracious and merciful God.
I’d say it was a pretty wonderful year, maybe the best ever. I suppose it is which list I determine to focus on. May your 2011 be the best ever! And may you chose to look at the good list.
”For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Pr 23:7).
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil 4:7).