
“Always lean away from that which you are tempted by nature to lean in to.”  By nature it seems certain times of our lives, certain people and certain careers tend to pull us toward habits and characteristics that are unhealthy.  I want to challenge you to lean away from those things - to lean away from, to avoid, to be cognizant of and evade the pitfalls that seem to naturally befall those in that time or field.  You know the rep, the tag and the stereotypes.  So, if you are a used car sales person lean deeply away from lying.  If you’re a doctor lean into kindness instead of the busy, never have time for label of the poor bedside manner.  Are you a lawyer, avoid the ambulance chasing, “all about the money” moniker. As an elder lean into deeply caring for and listening to individuals.  If you’re a youth minister, work at not being lazy - lean away from even a hint of a “it’s not my job mentality.”  As a government worker, give attention to attention.  Don’t give people the opportunity for you to be the person who proves the stereotype.

This also applies to sin in our lives: You know where you are weak and where you are tempted to sin - lean away from it not into it.  You struggle with alcohol?  Avoid places that serve the stuff.  If your struggle porn? Lean away from it by using something like “covenant eyes” and surf only in a room with other people present.  If your struggle is wearing your feelings on your sleeve then lean away from that and be aware of it - try to only see good in what others say toward and around you.  If you struggle with gossip - tell friends who try to pull you into that pit you are trying to avoid it. Don’t give the devil a foothold (Ephesians 4:27).